April 27, 2022


Ciborium (31,5 x 18 x 19 cm) made of tropical wood. A high resolution scan of the internal wood structure could be acquired from the top of the cross on the object’s lid, allowing for an analysis of the wood anatomical features. ®RMCA ®UGCT

We are currently working on the processing and analysis of the high-resolution scans already acquired within the TOCOWO project. Thanks to the three-dimensional nature of the scans, it’s possible to extract and study all three wood planes: the transverse, radial and tangential plane, each of which can provide information about the anatomical features the tropical wood presents. By comparing the distinguishable features of the scanned wood to those listen on the online reference database Insidewood (insidewood.lib.ncsu.edu), it is possible to find a wood species match.